
Womyn's Center Services

Womyn’s Center Programming

The Womyn's Center hosts events and sponsors fun and educational programming throughout the academic year that is dedicated to empowering the lives of women on campus and in the greater community. Annual events include the Welcome Back Open House, Take Back the Night, and Self-Defense each Fall. The Womyn’s Center supports a series of events in early April each year for Consent Week. Additional educational programming around bystander intervention, sexual assault and domestic violence prevention, gender representations in the media, and special topics important to students/staff/faculty on campus are scheduled throughout the year. Follow us on social media for update information about scheduled and recurring events.

Campus Advocacy and Support Programs

The Womyn’s Center hosts the Campus Advocacy and Support Services (CASS) program on campus. CASS represents a partnership between the Womyn’s Center and Project Woman, a community provider for power-based violence advocacy and prevention.

Students of any gender that have experienced sexual assault, rape, dating violence, stalking, and/or harassment (either recently or in the past) can receive the following services from a Campus Advocate through the CASS program free of charge:

  • Confidential consultation
  • Safety planning
  • Protection orders  
  • Application assistance for victim of crime rights
  • Personal advocacy
  • Case management
  • Legal advocacy
  • Title IX support
  • Emergency responses (Hospital, Planned Parenthood, Campus, etc.)
  • Yoga and Writing Support Groups for Survivors of Trauma

Meet with an advocate during our Open Advocate Hours:

  • Monday: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Can’t make it to CASS Open Hours? Call or text to set up an appointment at a time better for you.

  • Project Woman Campus Advocate Direct Phone Line: 937-926-4952
    Call this number for direct access to the PW campus advocate.

Need an Advocate Now?

  • Project Woman’s Emergency Crisis-line: 1-800-634-9893
    This is a local crisis-line for survivors of sexual, dating, and domestic violence that provides immediate assistance.
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